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   How do you want to live your life when you are older ? Me? I want to live more than 100, I want to be a centenarian and be able to take care of myself. You have to ask yourself how do you want your health to be when to are older, do you want to be in a position where others need to take care of you? or do you want to be able to still be independent as today?
   If you are reading this I assume you want a better health in the long run, so
i will give you a blue print that you can modify according to your goals and desires.
   A life plan simply put is, how do you want feel when you are older, what do you want to be able to have ando do? If I want to have more free time in the future means having my financials in order today and start a retirement investment, Having the ability to move on my own and being independent means I need to take care of my body today. If I want to feel "young" as I grow old, means I need to keep my habits in check, get rid of things that do not serve my purpose. So, what is your plan?


   Modern day centenarians move throughout the day with intentions, that is, spending time gardening, walking to places, dance, have hobbies, play with family members and friends, they are not sitting on a couch or chair Infront of a computer or tv. all day, they are moving, same with ancient warriors and civilizations, they were constantly on the move. try and set up a small but achievable goal, like, get at least 10,000 paces a day, play some sort of sport or practice some sort of hobby.

   Spend time in nature, trees, sunlight, grass, wind, all of these free elements recharge our bodies when we are draining our energy, spending time in nature is a good way to change our mood and get more energy to get things done.

   Train, do not workout, invest 1 hour a day with intention, train to become better, healthier and stronger, getting rid of disease caused by obesity and sedentarism.


   Take a look around your circle of friends, your closest and dearest people you surround yourself on a daily basis, are they having the life that you long for? Do the have the self love, determination, discipline that you wish you had? are they helping you become better?, If not, than its time to move to a different tribe, a tribe that has similar goals in life to yours, a tribe that has similar beliefs and philosophies, people that help you grow and vice versa, you can help them too. Choose people that are aiming and taking action towards goals similar to yours.

   Spending time with loves ones help boost the immune system and helps you live longer, and healthier, simply by having people that you love and they love you back around you makes you feel needed, and gives you a reason to stay more time in this life.

    Faith, having a belief system that you follow also helps with unwind, destressing, letting go, your tribe should have some sort of customs and rituals where you can let go and destress. some people have spiritual retreats, yoga, go to church, have groups of meditation or play acoustic instruments, singing, anything that it is time that allows you to practice forgiveness, peace, harmony and joy.


   It has been medically, scientifically and empirically proven that a plant based diet helps boost the immune system, reduce risks of types of cancer and help with obesity and heart related problems.  I will not go in depth with vegetarianism or veganism but  I will say I do practice a plant-based diet for health reasons.  That being said, there a a few nutritional guidelines anyone can follow regardless of food preference.

 -  Number one, Fasting, intermittent fasting of 14 to 16 hours a day and having a window of 10 to 8 hours to eat your meals, is a good way to help shred fat, visceral fat and acquire discipline.
- Number two, eating as fresh and organic as possible, get rid of candy, sodas, processed foods.
- Number 3, drink between 2 to 6 liters of water a day.

- Number 4, and I do recommend this, try to eat more fruits, veggies, legumes, seeds and as little as possible animal products, if you want to try it for 30 day vegan challenge, there are plenty of products out there that can help you eat fresh, healthy and get all your macronutrients, vitamins & minerals. (impossible meats, beyond meats, between others.
there are many vegan foods that are packed with full proteins or you can combine them like corn, beans, squash, known as the "holy trinity" are packed with nutrients and you can serve it as a taco or tostada.

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